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Updated: July 18, 2024

What is a hyperautomation?

Hyperautomation is an advanced approach to automating business processes using a combination of technologies such as robotic process automation (RPA), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and other advanced tools.

It goes beyond traditional automation by integrating multiple technologies to create a seamless, intelligent, and comprehensive automation ecosystem.

Hyperautomation enables organizations to automate complex tasks, make data-driven decisions, and improve overall productivity, significantly improving performance and competitive advantage.

Why is hyperautomation important?

Hyperautomation is important because it makes businesses work faster and better. It uses technology to perform tasks and jobs so people don’t have to do them by hand, which saves time and reduces mistakes.

Despite economic challenges and talent scarcities, Gartner foresees a robust 11.9% annual growth in hyperautomation-enabling software, projecting a market value of $US1.04 trillion by 2026. This projection implies a significant demand for hyperautomation software, highlighting its anticipated role in shaping the future of business.

For decision-making, hyperautomation uses smart tools to analyze large amounts of data quickly. This helps businesses make good choices based on facts and means that companies can react faster to changes and plan better.

Hyperautomation also ensures tasks are done the same way every time, improving quality. It helps customers by making their interactions smooth and quick.

What are the objectives of hyperautomation?

Hyperautomation is a key driver in digital transformation, aiming to revolutionize how businesses operate and compete in the digital age. Hyperautomation’s goals span various aspects of a company, including business objectives, operational goals, and strategic aims.

Business objectives

  • Increase revenue: Businesses can increase productivity and efficiency by automating processes, leading to higher income.
  • Improve customer experience: Hyperautomation helps deliver faster and more personalized services, enhancing customer satisfaction.
  • Reduce costs: Automation reduces the need for manual labor, cutting down operational costs significantly.

Operational goals

  • Enhance efficiency: Automating repetitive tasks leads to faster and more accurate execution, improving overall efficiency.
  • Ensure consistency: Automated processes ensure that tasks are performed consistently, reducing errors and improving quality.
  • Optimize resource use: Hyperautomation allows for better allocation and utilization of resources, minimizing waste.

Strategic aims

  • Drive innovation: Hyperautomation enables a culture of innovation by freeing up employees to focus on creative and strategic tasks.
  • Increase agility: Businesses can respond more quickly to market changes and emerging trends with automated processes.
  • Strengthen competitive advantage: Leveraging hyperautomation provides a competitive edge by enhancing operational resilience and efficiency.

Who’s involved in hyperautomation?

Implementing hyperautomation requires collaboration across various stakeholders, both internal and external. These key players ensure the technology is effectively integrated and utilized to achieve business goals.

Internal stakeholders

  • Executive leadership: Leaders, including the CEO and CIO, provide vision, resources, and support for hyperautomation initiatives.
  • IT department: IT professionals design, implement, and maintain the technology infrastructure and integration.
  • Operations teams: These teams identify processes that can be automated and oversee the implementation of automation solutions.
  • Data scientists and analysts: They develop and apply AI and machine learning models to enhance automation capabilities.
  • Project managers: They coordinate hyperautomation projects, managing timelines, budgets, and cross-functional teams.
  • Employees: Frontline staff and users who interact with automated systems, providing feedback and ensuring smooth adoption.

External stakeholders

  • Technology vendors: Companies that supply automation tools, AI platforms, and integration services.
  • Consultants and advisors: Experts who provide guidance, strategy, and best practices for implementing hyperautomation.
  • Partners and collaborators: Businesses and organizations that work with the company to develop, test, and deploy automation solutions.
  • Regulatory bodies: Organizations that set compliance standards and regulations, ensuring the automation processes meet legal requirements.
  • Customers: End-users who experience the benefits of hyperautomation through improved services and interactions.

What is required for hyperautomation success?

Achieving success with hyperautomation in an organization requires focusing on several key areas. These areas ensure the technology is effectively integrated, utilized, and supported to drive business transformation.

Strategy and vision

A clear strategy and vision are essential for guiding hyperautomation efforts. Organizations must define specific, measurable goals aligning with their business objectives. Leadership support is crucial, as executives must provide resources and commitment. Developing a detailed digital transformation roadmap with timelines, milestones, and resource allocation ensures a structured approach to hyperautomation.

Infrastructure and tools

Investing in the right digital infrastructure and tools is vital for hyperautomation success. Organizations should select high-quality hardware and software that meet their needs and can scale with their growth. Security measures must be robust to protect data and systems. Ensuring that chosen technologies integrate seamlessly with existing systems is critical to avoid disruptions.

Training and support

Providing ongoing support and employee training is key to successful hyperautomation. Training programs should ensure staff are proficient in using new technologies. Establishing a support system allows employees to get help with any issues, fostering smooth adoption. Creating channels for continuous feedback enables the organization to gather insights and make necessary adjustments.

Why does hyperautomation fail?

Hyperautomation initiatives can fail for various reasons, often rooted in planning, execution, and organizational culture. Understanding these challenges can help organizations address potential issues before they hinder progress.

Overemphasis on quantity over quality in automation

One significant reason hyperautomation initiatives fail is the overemphasis on automating as many processes as possible without sufficient regard for quality. Rushing to automate numerous tasks without ensuring each automation adds measurable value can lead to inefficiencies and missed opportunities for optimization. 

Lack of interdisciplinary collaboration

Successful hyperautomation requires collaboration across different departments and disciplines within an organization. When departments operate in silos and fail to communicate effectively, it can lead to fragmented automation efforts. Lack of interdisciplinary collaboration hinders holistic automation strategies, resulting in redundant processes, inconsistent data flows, and missed opportunities for synergies. 

Inadequate scalability planning

Hyperautomation projects often fail due to inadequate planning for scalability. Organizations may successfully implement automation for current processes but fail to anticipate future growth and evolving needs. As business demands increase or technologies evolve, rigid automation solutions may become outdated or unable to scale effectively.

Hyperautomation use cases

Hyperautomation can transform various business operations by integrating advanced technologies to automate complex processes. This enhances efficiency, drives innovation, and improves overall business performance. Here are three examples showcasing how hyperautomation can manifest in different business scenarios.

Financial services


A financial services company wants to streamline its loan processing operations to reduce approval times and improve customer satisfaction.


The company implements hyperautomation by integrating robotic process automation (RPA) with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). RPA automates data entry and document processing, while AI and ML analyze creditworthiness and detect potential fraud. These technologies work together to handle loan applications more efficiently.


The loan processing time is significantly reduced from weeks to hours, enhancing customer satisfaction and increasing the company’s competitive edge. The automated system also improves accuracy and compliance, reducing the risk of errors and fraud.



A healthcare provider aims to improve patient care and administrative efficiency by reducing the time spent on manual tasks.


The provider adopts hyperautomation by integrating electronic health records (EHR) systems with AI-driven diagnostic tools and RPA for administrative tasks. AI assists in more accurately diagnosing patient conditions, while RPA handles appointment scheduling, billing, and data entry.


The healthcare provider experiences improved patient care with faster and more accurate diagnoses. Administrative tasks are completed more quickly and with fewer errors, allowing healthcare staff to focus more on patient care. Overall, operational efficiency is greatly enhanced, increasing patient satisfaction and reducing operational costs.



A manufacturing company seeks to increase production efficiency and minimize downtime caused by equipment failures.


The company integrates hyperautomation using IoT sensors, predictive analytics, and RPA. IoT sensors monitor machinery in real-time, collecting data on performance and potential issues. Predictive analytics processes this data to forecast maintenance needs, and RPA automates the scheduling and execution of maintenance tasks.


The manufacturing company achieves higher production efficiency with reduced downtime, as maintenance is performed proactively based on predictive analytics. This leads to longer equipment lifespan, lower maintenance costs, and increased productivity. The automated processes also free human workers to focus on more strategic tasks, further driving innovation and growth.

People also asked

How is Hyperautomation different from automation?

Automation: Automation refers to using technology to perform tasks and processes with minimal human intervention. It typically focuses on repetitive, rule-based tasks that can be easily standardized and streamlined. Traditional automation tools like RPA automate specific tasks or workflows within defined parameters.

Hyperautomation: Hyperautomation, on the other hand, extends automation capabilities by integrating advanced technologies like AI, ML, natural language processing (NLP), and process mining. It aims to automate repetitive tasks and complex business processes involving decision-making, data analysis, and adaptive learning. Hyperautomation involves end-to-end automation of processes across multiple systems and functions, enabling organizations to achieve higher efficiency, agility, and scalability.

What is Hyperautomation in AI?

Hyperautomation in AI refers to applying artificial intelligence (AI) techniques and technologies in the context of Hyperautomation.

This field utilizes AI-powered algorithms and machine learning models. These tools enhance automation capabilities in areas like decision-making, data analysis, forecasting, and complex scenario handling.

What is an example of Hyperautomation?

An example of Hyperautomation is the use of robotic process automation (RPA), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and other advanced technologies to automate complex business processes end-to-end. 

For instance, a financial services company might employ Hyperautomation to automatically process loan applications from start to finish, including data extraction, validation, decision-making based on predefined rules and machine learning algorithms, and generating approval or rejection notifications.