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What Is the Digital Adoption Institute?

Digital adoption institute

What is the Digital Adoption Institute?

WalkMe, the company that pioneered the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP), has also developed the first professional training program dedicated to digital adoption.

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Aptly name the Digital Adoption Institute, this training curriculum is designed to help business professionals of every level implement, manage, and lead digital adoption projects.

Below, we’ll learn more about the institute, its benefits, and how it can boost one’s career prospects.

What Is the Digital Adoption Institute?

WalkMe’s Digital Adoption Institute provides training and certifications related to implementing and managing digital adoption programs.

They offer three levels of courses:

  • Building and implementing digital adoption solutions
  • Managing and leading digital adoption programs and teams
  • Designing and managing digital adoption initiatives at the organizational level

Their concentrations of study include:

  • Executive leadership, risk management, and economics
  • Operations and IT
  • HR and internal comms
  • Learning and development

As of this writing, all of their coursework is available online, and trainees can choose from several different tiers: one self-paced course and two certification courses. The digital adoption builder course, for instance, offers a certifications for digital adoption solution builders as well as engineers.

A Brief Overview of Digital Adoption Solutions

WalkMe designs and develops digital adoption solutions, also known as digital adoption platforms (DAPs).

These platforms streamline user onboarding and training, through features such as:

In the right context, these tools can significantly improve user metrics, such as user engagement, proficiency, and productivity.

Whether users are employees or customers, an improved adoption process results in better product performance, higher product value, and higher software ROI.

A software company that wants to improve its customer onboarding, for instance, can use DAPs to reduce user churn and boost engagement. In the same way, an enterprise that regularly adopts new digital technology can use DAPs to streamline employee learning, boost productivity, and reduce software-related frustration.

Digital adoption specialists focus on these types of business functions and, as we’ll see below, digital adoption skills will be among the most valuable skills to have in the years ahead.

Who Should Attend the Digital Adoption Institute?

Formal digital adoption training can be useful to several types of people, such as:

  • Technical specialists, such as IT professionals, who want to learn how to engineer, build, and implement digital adoption solutions
  • Managers, such as project managers or change managers, who want to learn how to manage digital adoption projects for their organizations or their clients
  • Business leaders and executives who want to lead effective, scalable digital adoption initiatives in their organization
  • Any businessperson who wants to obtain professional-level training in digital adoption

Though there are no formal prerequisites for these courses, those interested in enrolling in a program should naturally make sure their background and experience are suited for the course.

The Advantages of Professional Digital Adoption Training

There are several benefits to training at the Digital Adoption Institute:

  • Trainees will learn a new set of job skills that will become increasingly valuable in the years ahead
  • Those skills will improve one’s job performance and the outcomes of digital adoption projects
  • Certification, training, and skills can all boost one’s career prospects, making it easier to find jobs, get assigned to certain projects, get promoted, and so forth

As mentioned earlier, there are several job categories that can benefit from formal training in digital adoption, not just digital adoption specialists. In fact, digital adoption training can be useful for a wide range of professions, and one of the biggest reasons for this is that digital adoption is so prevalent in the modern organization.

The Importance of Digital Adoption Knowledge in Today’s Economy

Today, we are already living in a digital-first economy. Over the past several decades, wave after wave of digital innovation has led to the disruption of entire industries.

To grow and thrive in this type of environment, businesses around the globe have been compelled to adopt new tools and technology.

Yet these digital trends are not slowing down and some even argue that the future holds even more profound changes.

Accenture, for instance, suggests that volatility will characterize the economy for the next several years. McKinsey, likewise, claims that we are about to enter a new paradigm, which they dub “the next normal.”

If we are about to enter a period of long-term perpetual change, then those business processes that matter the most are those that enable and drive change forward.

Digital adoption is one example – to stay relevant, productive, and competitive, organizations must continually adopt new software and tools.

Those that can offer digital adoption expertise, therefore, will stand a much better chance of adding value, especially in a constantly evolving digital economy.

Final Thoughts

WalkMe’s Digital Adoption Institute is poised to become a powerful resource for professionals who are involved in digital adoption and transformation.

And since WalkMe pioneered the digital adoption platform, they are the ideal choice for providing this type of training.

At the time of this writing, the Institute has just recently opened its doors to public registration, making this an excellent opportunity for early adopters, innovators, and others who want early entry into this burgeoning field.

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Digital Adoption Team

A wonderful team of Digital Adoption, Digital Transformation & Change Management Experts.