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Performance Tracking

Updated: July 18, 2024

What is performance tracking?

Performance tracking means measuring how well a person, team, or company is doing. It involves collecting data on activities like productivity, quality, and speed. Then, this data is compared to set goals or standards.

In businesses, performance tracking shows what is going well and needs improvement. This helps leaders make better decisions. Common tools for performance tracking include key performance indicators (KPIs), performance reviews, and product analytics software.

Regular performance tracking ensures that business keeps getting better. It provides useful information and helps people stay accountable. For example, Gartner reveals that 76% of organizations rate their employees annually.

Why is performance tracking important?

Performance tracking is important because it helps businesses see how well they are doing and find areas for improvement. By watching performance regularly, companies can ensure they meet their goals and stay ahead of competitors.

Performance tracking shows what works well and what needs fixing in daily work. This helps companies solve problems quickly and improve their processes. For example, tracking productivity can show slow areas, leading to changes that save time and money.

Performance tracking provides clear information for making decisions. Leaders can make smart choices based on facts, not guesses, which leads to better plans and results.

That said, effective information sharing is reliant on good working relationships. Gartner reveals that the feedback process is ineffective due to minimal trust and transparency between employees and managers.

Performance tracking can help employees. They know what is expected and see how their work allows them to reach their goals. This can make them more motivated and involved, leading to better work.

Overall, performance tracking helps businesses improve, manage well, and succeed.

What are the objectives of performance tracking?

Performance tracking is important in change management because it helps companies see if the changes deliver the expected results.

It gives leaders feedback and insights to ensure the changes match what the company wants to do. It also helps with long-term plans.

Let’s simplify performance tracking by focusing on how it fits with business objectives, operational goals, and strategic aims.

Business objectives

  • Check progress: Monitoring performance provides insights into the company’s progress during transitions, akin to assessing a report card.
  • Remain accountable: Performance tracking fosters accountability among team members, ensuring everyone is committed to achieving goals and making advancements.
  • Make better decisions: Data on performance aids in informed decision-making by highlighting areas of success and areas requiring attention or improvement.

Operational goals

  • Identify problems: Performance tracking facilitates the identification of operational issues, enabling prompt resolution to enhance efficiency.
  • Use resources smartly: Analyzing performance data helps optimize resource allocation by pinpointing areas of effectiveness and areas needing improvement.
  • Become more efficient: Tracking performance uncovers bottlenecks or inefficiencies, enabling streamlining of processes for enhanced operational efficiency.

Strategic aims

  • Meet objectives: Performance tracking ensures alignment of changes with overall company objectives, promoting strategic coherence.
  • Continuously improve: Regular performance evaluation enables ongoing improvement efforts, ensuring adaptability and responsiveness to evolving needs.
  • Forward plan: Performance data informs future planning by anticipating potential challenges and guiding proactive measures for effective management.

Key people and stakeholders involved in performance tracking

Many people help track progress during change management to ensure things go well. These people, both inside and outside the organization, have different jobs relating to checking progress, telling others how things are going, and changing plans as needed.

Let’s see what each of these groups does to keep track of performance marketing.

Internal stakeholders

  • Leadership: Set goals, watch progress, discuss results, and listen for feedback.
  • Project managers: Set targets, watch progress, share updates, and ask for advice.
  • Department managers: Contribute ideas, watch work, talk about progress, and listen for advice.
  • Employees: Learn, share thoughts, and help make things better.

External stakeholders

  • Clients: Share thoughts and talk about how things are going.
  • Suppliers: Change how they work and share what they see.
  • Regulatory bodies: Make rules and check if everyone is following them.
  • Investors: Watch money and talk about how things are doing.

What is required for performance tracking success?

In today’s busy business world, keeping an eye on how well things are going is important.

Tracking performance helps businesses see if they’re doing what they want and how to do better.

Some important areas required for performance tracking success are setting clear goals, analyzing data to see what’s happening, giving feedback, and making changes when needed.

Let’s dive into these in more detail.

Clear goals and metrics

Establish precise objectives for the organization to set clear targets and provide a clear direction for progress. Use simple metrics to gauge performance effectively, employing straightforward numerical indicators. Ensure comprehension among all stakeholders, ensuring they understand their roles and responsibilities in achieving the established goals.

Data collection and analysis

Gather relevant data regarding organizational activities and performance to gain insights into current operations. Analyze the gathered data to assess performance levels and identify areas for improvement or optimization. Utilize the insights gained from data analysis to implement strategies to enhance organizational performance.

Regular feedback and adjustments

Provide timely feedback to individuals and teams regarding their performance, highlighting areas of success and areas needing improvement. Adapt strategies based on feedback and performance data to address challenges or issues. Continuously monitor progress toward goals and objectives, making necessary adjustments to strategies or actions to ensure continued alignment with organizational targets.

Why do performance-tracking projects fail?

Sometimes, how companies track their performance doesn’t work out as expected. This happens for many reasons, like not being clear about what they want to achieve or not having the right tools to do it.

Let’s examine why performance-tracking projects or processes might fail and what challenges organizations often face along the way.

Improper data handling

Improper data handling poses significant challenges to effective tracking and analysis. When data isn’t kept neat and tidy, it becomes difficult to track and utilize efficiently. Without a proper organizational structure, there’s no streamlined method to keep all data organized and easily accessible for analysis and decision-making.

Resistance to change

Resistance to change further complicates the implementation of efficient tracking methods. People often resist new tracking methods due to unfamiliarity or reluctance to adopt new approaches. Employees and managers alike may be hesitant to try new ways of tracking performance, leading to resistance and potential setbacks in improving data handling practices.

Inadequate resources

Inadequate financial and human resources present significant barriers to effective tracking. Limited funding and personnel hinder the ability to implement robust tracking systems and acquire the necessary tools for efficient data management. Without sufficient resources, tracking efforts may fail to achieve optimal results, hampering organizational performance assessment and improvement initiatives.

Performance tracking

We have covered the basics of performance tracking, but companies that do not have clear processes in place may benefit from further guidance about how it can work for them.

The following examples show how performance tracking can work in different business scenarios, making its benefits easier to see in everyday life.

Employee performance tracking


A big company wants to see how well its employees are doing.


The company uses software to set clear goals, give regular feedback, and do performance reviews every few months.


Employees know what to do, get helpful feedback, and try to improve. This makes them more productive and happier at work.

Sales performance tracking


A retail store wants to boost its sales and improve customer service.


The store uses a dashboard to track sales numbers, customer feedback, and sales targets. It also uses mystery shoppers to check customer service.


Store managers see who is doing well and who needs help. They train staff better, leading to more sales and happier customers.

Marketing campaign performance tracking


A marketing agency wants to see how well its campaigns are working.


The agency uses tools to track website visits, conversion rates, and social media likes and shares. They also compare different strategies using A/B testing.


The agency learns which campaigns work best, improves its strategies, and gives clients good reports. This makes campaigns more successful and clients happier.

People also ask

What is an example of performance tracking?

An example of performance tracking is using a project management software like Asana or Trello to monitor the progress of a marketing campaign. This might include tracking the completion of tasks, adherence to timelines, budget usage, and key performance indicators (KPIs) such as lead generation or engagement metrics.

How to do performance tracking 

  1. Set clear objectives and goals: Define specific, measurable goals for individuals or teams.
  2. Identify key performance indicators (KPIs): Choose metrics that align with your objectives, such as sales targets or project completion rates.
  3. Use performance tracking tools: Implement software like Trello, Asana, or Salesforce to automate tracking and generate reports.
  4. Regular monitoring and review: Continuously monitor progress and schedule regular reviews to discuss performance and provide feedback.
  5. Provide feedback and support: Offer constructive feedback, training, and resources to help improve performance.